INPEA Governance - Proposed Representatives
Proposed National Representatives
Names and supporting documentations will be posted here as it becomes available.
2018 Applicants proposed during:
2018 Annual Membership Meeting held on Nov 16, 2018 in Boston, Mass, USA
Motion to accept the proposed slate of National and Regional Representatives as listed below:
Toni Antonucci amended the motion to make a conditional vote with review for a week (from the final posting of these minutes 11-21-2018 Amended to 3 Dec 2018) Ariela Lowenstein seconds. Paul Caccamise calls the vote. Pamela Teaster abstains. Motion carries to accept the slate conditioned upon review for a week.
- National Representatives
Croatia National Representative,
Mira Cokic, mag iur, Portal for the Third Age (CV/Bio) (Ltrs Recommendation/ Support) (Nomin)
Finland National Representative,
Suvanto NGO, "The Finnish Assoc of the Shelters for the Aged", Suvanto Web Site
Satu Taiheaho, Executive Director
Israel National Representative,
Tova Band-Winterstein (CV)
Norway National Representative,
Wenche Karin Malmedal (CV/Bio)(Ltrs Recommendation/ Support)(Nomin)
Venezuela National Representative,
Rosaline Jerez, Gerontoplus (CV) (Nomin)
Proposed Regional Representatives
Names and supporting documentation will be posted here as it becomes available.
November 2018
INPEA Annual Membership/Board of Directors Meeting at Boston, USA
Motion to appoint REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE for North America: Pamela Teaster, PhD, (current Sect. Genl). Moved by Somers. (Bio/) (Ltr Recommendation NCPEA)