The International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, Inc. (INPEA)

FOUNDED in 1997 and Incorporated in May 1999, by the late, Rosalie S. Wolf, PhD.

INPEA is an independent, Non Profit, incorporated under the Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, USA. 
INPEA, Inc., is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) with Special Consultative Status to EcoSoc, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), and recognised as a USC Section 501 (c)(3) tax exempt, Non Profit organization in the USA. Tax ID No 04-3478887

INPEA, Inc. has a collaborative relationship with

The International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG)

New INPEA Officers: Terms Nov 2023 Until next election

Pamela Teaster, USA, Clerk (Successor to Amanda Phelan, Retired.)

Pille Tsopp-Pagan, Estonia, Assistant Clerk (New Office) 

 INPEA Officers: 2019-2022
Susan B Somers, JD - USA: President
Rosy Pererya, MD - Dominican Republic: Vice President
Amanda Phelan,- Ireland: Clerk/Secretary General
Cynthia Thomas, Ph.D. - USA: Treasurer

INPEA Officers: 2014-2018
Susan B Somers, JD - USA: President
Rosy Pererya, MD - Dominican Republic: Vice President
Pamela Teaster, Ph.D. - USA: Clerk/Secretary General
Cynthia Thomas, Ph.D. - USA: Treasurer

INPEA is celebrating over two decades (26 years) of advocacy, education
and research for the protection and promotion of the human rights of older persons.